Authorization Failure

November 4, 2021

For immediate release

Give happiness and warmth

For the past 3 years, Chlorophylle has been collecting second-hand coats as part of its Jacket Donation event. In 2020, close to 350 coats were donated to local community organizations and this year, if the trend continues, we will surpass the 1000 coats donated to people in need.

Across the province, twelve community organizations will receive the coats and give them to their community. You will find the list of these organizations at the end of the press release.

A campaign in the heart of the fall
From November 5 to December 19, 2021, we invite consumers to take part in the event by bringing their old coat, regardless of the brand, to a Chlorophylle boutique in exchange for a $75 discount on a new one. In addition to donating clothing, this time we will also be inviting customers to make a cash donation at the checkout or online. A cheque will be given to the participating organizations in addition to the coats.

An inspirational initiative
With this event, our company underlines the importance of helping people in need while encouraging the reuse of used clothing. "The workers from the various organizations are always enthusiastic to see that the event returns year after year and it is a pleasure shared by our entire team," explains the event's instigator and marketing director Claudie Laroche.

Touching stories
Over the next few weeks, you will see two video productions filmed at the Maison d'accueil pour sans-abri de Chicoutimi. Michel St-Gelais, director of the establishment explains the importance of these donations.
To view them, click here...  
Michel St-Gelais: (V.F.) (V.A.)

A beautiful collaboration
What's more, the artist Sara Dufour also wanted to do her part, as she brought back the coat of her mother who passed away a few months ago to the Chicoutimi boutique.

You will see her in action in this video for which she received no fee: .

For more details about the event, please visit our page:

Reducing the environmental footprint
For the past 40 years, Chlorophylle has positioned itself as the ally of Quebecers for their outdoor and nature activities. In this pandemic context, moving well, for physical and mental health, is at the heart of our motivations. Moreover, this event is part of our movement to reduce the environmental impact. Each piece of clothing reused reduces the consumption of textile and the use of drinking water (used in the coloration of the fabric), but moreover, it allows us to help a person in need.

Mrs. Claudie Laroche, marketing director, is available to answer all your questions.

For more information:

Manon Rivard
Director of Communications and Marketing Assistant
Office: (819) 292-2323 ext. 50962


List of participating organizations  
Chicoutimi et Jonquière :
Maison d'accueil pour sans-abri de Chicoutimi
Rouyn Noranda :
Maison Au Soleil Levant
Rivière-du-Loup :
Société St-Vincent-de-Paul
Sherbrooke :
Québec :
Centraide Québec
Saint-Augustin de Desmaures :
Centre femmes aux 3A de Québec
Saint-Sauveur :
Le Garde-manger

Sept-îles :
Centre de première ligne de Uauitshitun
Rimouski :
Le Répit du passant

Mirabel :
Maison de la Famille Mirabel
Trois-Rivières :
Comité ressource FAIRE
Gatineau :
Maison de la famille Gatineau