For some people, it's a simple piece of canvas that can protect equipment or, in rare cases, their camp. For others, it's a must-have for any outdoor use. In short, an essential piece of equipment.
Naturally, I fall into the 2nd group because, for me, it's the essential shelter for any short outing or extended expedition. It can be seen as the centerpiece of a base camp where everyone can gather. It can also be a practical kitchenette, a windscreen for protection from the wind, or even an improvised dormitory for wilderness camping.
Text by Michel Tremblay, the survival specialist

The art of pitching a tarp
I understand the crucial importance of knowing how to effectively and securely pitch a tarp during your camping and outdoor adventures. When faced with the elements of nature, the ability to create a reliable and comfortable shelter can make all the difference in your comfort and safety. Whether you're a camping enthusiast or an experienced hiker, this article will provide you with the necessary information to properly set up your tarp. From selecting the ideal location to mastering essential knots, you will learn the essential techniques to create a sturdy shelter and protect yourself from the natural elements. By following these proven tips, you will be able to fully enjoy your outdoor experience with confidence.
Steps to install a tarp
Before starting the installation of your tarp, it is crucial to choose the right location and be familiar with a few basic knots to properly secure it. Here are the key steps to follow for a successful installation and a comfortable night's sleep:
1. Choose the right location
Select a relatively flat area without any depressions and with enough clearance to set up the tarp according to its dimensions. Choose the configuration and orientation based on the climate to effectively protect the occupants from the whims of Mother Nature. Here, positioning it with the back against the wind is recommended.
2. Prepare the necessary equipment
Naturally, a minimum amount of equipment should be present to properly set up and stabilize the tarp, making it highly effective against strong winds. Among the necessary equipment, you will need around fifteen meters of sturdy rope to secure the tarp properly, as well as several stakes (at least 6) for tension, for stability, and to counter the lack of nearby trees for tying. Stakes are great to have, but it's worth noting that they can also be fashioned from materials found on-site. No stakes? A large, sturdy rock can work just as well for securing a corner.

The knots to know
When it comes to ropes, knots are a must. I can already hear you saying, "Oh no, not knots!" However, they are essential in the great outdoors. If I had to suggest a few, I would have you learn the bowline knot, Prusik knot, figure-eight knot, and a simple combination of knots to maximize your setup.
Bowline knot
The bowline knot is useful on camping and hiking trips for tying ropes, stretching a tarp, hanging a hammock, securing objects to a tree, or for safety and rescue purposes.
Tying knot or bow tie
The rope-tying knot is an essential technique when installing a tarp and maintaining adequate tension on the rope. Using this knot, you can easily adjust the tension to suit your needs, ensuring a secure hold on the tarp in windy or rainy conditions. The simplicity of this knot is another great advantage. It can be quickly loosened if necessary, making removal of the tarp or tension adjustments easy.
Simple key knot
This knot is used to lock the tension you've applied to your roping knot.
Prussik knot
The Prussik knot can be used to tension ropes or lines and as an anchor point. Using it as a blocker, you can create extra tension on a rope or line to secure it.
Ultimately, there are a multitude of useful and practical knots for your outdoor adventures. Each knot has its specific uses and applications. However, the real secret to mastering knots lies in practice. Take the time to experiment, familiarize yourself with the different types of knots, and practice tying them. Don't hesitate to consult additional resources, such as instructional videos or detailed guides, to deepen your knowledge and discover new and interesting knots. You'll be amazed at how versatile and reliable knots can be when you need them.

The benefits of a tarp
As an outdoor and survival specialist, I can't stress enough the essential benefits of a tarp for your outdoor adventures. Whether you're embarking on a camping or hiking expedition, or venturing out by canoe camping, a tarp quickly becomes your versatile and indispensable ally.
Why do you need a tarp?
Let me start by highlighting one of the most obvious advantages of a tarp: it offers excellent protection against harsh weather conditions. Whether it's raining, snowing or the scorching sun is trying to fry you like a sausage, a properly stretched tarp can create a solid shelter for you and your gear. It ensures that you stay dry and protected from the elements, giving you a comfortable space to rest, cook or simply relax in peace and quiet.

The many uses of a tarp
A tarp is a true chameleon of outdoor equipment. Its versatility is simply incredible. It can be used in a thousand and one ways, depending on your needs and the situation. Imagine being able to use it as a camping shelter, as a ground sheet to insulate you from ground moisture, as protection for your precious equipment, as a kitchenette for pre-prepared meals, as an awning to create a shady space under the blazing sun, or even as a windscreen to protect you from gusts of wind. And guess what? You can even improvise a hammock with this marvel by tying it securely between two anchor points.
Choosing the right tarp size
This equipment is generally made of tear-resistant nylon with a silicone coating making it waterproof. In my humble opinion, a size of 10X10 feet (3.09M x 3.09M) would be appropriate for general use, for 2 people. More people? There are larger models, such as 15X15 feet (4.65M X 4.65M)... enough for a family.
The tarp, my friends, is truly an essential tool for maximizing your outdoor comfort and safety. Whether you're looking to survive the most extreme conditions or simply enjoy a camping trip, never underestimate the versatility and power of a good tarp. Add this essential element to your outdoor gear, and get ready to face whatever challenges nature throws at you.

The different tarp configurations
Despite the fact that there are over thirty different tarp configurations, as you can see from my book« Le camp, l’art de configurer sa bâche », I almost always use the same two: Wallet and pyramid.
The wallet configuration
The "Wallet" configuration offers the advantage of having two sides in contact with the ground. When properly oriented with its back to the wind, this protects group members from any possible bad weather, while offering easy access to the front. What's more, you can also build your evening fire close to it, which will act as a deflector against wind and rain. It creates a kind of microclimate, so to speak, between its walls. In fact, I used this configuration for shelter during my 7 Days of Survival last fall.

The pyramid configuration
The "Pyramidal" configuration is ideal for locations that are highly exposed to the weather. This means I'll be insulated on all sides of the tarp, right down to the ground. Yes, a bit like a tent, but without the bottom. It keeps a little more heat inside, too. What's more, this configuration is very easy to create. I particularly enjoy using this configuration when I'm in more exposed locations such as frozen lakes in winter, as it gives me better protection against the elements.
Be creative, and with a certain length of rope, you'll be able to configure your tarp in a variety of ways, depending on the type of terrain at the time. Canadian-style, diamond-shaped, lean-to, grotto and closed tunnel are just a few of the most popular shapes it can take. It can also be suspended at its center, or even supported by a structure, timber frame or boat. The possibilities are almost endless.
This equipment is generally constructed of ripstop nylon with a silicone coating making it waterproof. In my humble opinion, a size of 10X10 feet (3.09M x 3.09M) would be appropriate for general use, for 2 people. More people? There are larger models, such as 15X15 feet (4.65M X 4.65M)... enough for a family.

The importance of correct tensioning and how to avoid water pockets
Correct tensioning of your tarp is essential for optimum protection against the elements. A poorly tensioned tarp can cause problems such as water pockets, which can compromise your comfort and safety.
Tensioning your tarp correctly
When installing your tarp, be sure to tension the ropes firmly to avoid floating or loose areas. A well-tensioned tarp is more resistant to strong winds and bad weather.
Check tension regularly
Even with a properly tensioned rope, it's important to check the tension regularly during your stay in the great outdoors. Ropes can loosen over time or due to weather conditions. Take a few minutes every day to check and adjust the tension if necessary. This will ensure a solid, reliable shelter throughout your adventure.
La caverne: a tried and tested tarp
Naturally, if I had to choose one, and despite the fact that many companies offer tarps, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Chlorophylle's La Caverne model. It has many features that the others don't offer. I'm referring to the central cap with a strap. This is used to support a central pole or paddle to erect and support the tarp. The outer strap can be used to suspend the tarpaulin, while the inner strap can be used to support a lamp or stove, or even as a drying rack. A nylon band folded over itself reinforces the edge, all the way around, making it very sturdy and long-lasting...just the way I like it. A multitude of spacious, sturdy anchoring rings will satisfy even the toughest of us to secure it to the ground.
All in all, I can only encourage you to add a quality tarp to your outdoor equipment. It will become your best ally, your shelter of choice, and your safe haven in the heart of the wilderness. So get ready to face the elements with confidence and enjoy unforgettable adventures thanks to the versatility and reliability of a good tarp.